Our strength is our collaborators network


Do you have a strong network of contacts?


Do you know them well and have a good relationship with your contacs or professionals within the business/industry?


Do your contacs trust you when you tell them about a new opportuntiy within the business?

If you are willing to take advantage of your network, we give you the opportunity to become a collaborator.



Our partners help us identify the most qualified professionals for our clients

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How does it works


1-Application to become a collaborator

If you have experience and good knowledge of the industry, as well as an important network of contacts, get in touch with us and we will register you in our network as an expert collaborator.


2-Introduction of professionals/candidates

Once you have become one of our collaborators, we will inform you of the vacancies and commission scheme for each vacancy that has been successfully recruited by your referred candidate. You can speak with your network of contacts and introduce those professionals who are interested. At all times we will keep you informed of the recruitment process and you can track your candidates.

3-Follow up and payment

If one of your candidates is finally hired, we will pay you the agreed commission. If any of your candidates are not finally hired for the introduced vacancy, you can introduce those candidates again for future vacancies.

What does it consist of becoming a collaborator?
It consists on working with us in finding highly qualified professionals taking advantage of your network. You would act as a representative of those professionals who you best know and  who  the best relationship you have with
Who can become a collaborator?
Anyone with a good network of contacts or anyone who knows and has good relationship with professionals in the industry can become one. The more knowledge you have within an area or technology (PLM, Java, etc.) and more professionals you know within the market,   the easier and more interesting it will be for you.
How does it work?
Send us an application form with your personal contact  details and tell us your areas of expertise or what you are good at or what you know best (EG, PLM, Teamcenter, Windchill, …). We will give you the password to access into the system where  you will see all the vacancies that we are recruiting related to your areas of expertis (EG; Teamcenter senior consultant in Munich, sector, aerospace). From there on,  you just have to tell us who are the professionals in your network that best match the vacancy requirements
How can I know in what stage of the recruitment process my candidate is and if he/she is recruited?
Once you have been approved to become a collaborator, at any time you will be able to access at any time into the system with the passwords we will be giving to you and see what are the offers, who are professionals who have been introduced  to us, in what stage of the recruitment process  are those professionals, etc. This will allow you to track
What happens with the candidates who I have introduced and are not recruited by Dragon Shepherd´s clients?
It may be that the introduced candidate doesn´t match the client´s requirements or that they may not reach to an agreement. In this case nothing would happen, this candidate can be introduced again to other vacancies/open roles we may have
How long do I have to dedicate to be a collaborator?
As long as you wish, everyone decides how long they want to. You can always Start with the  vacancies approaching your area of knowledge or the ones which may be easier to identify professionals in your sector or network. That way without devoting a very long time you are likely to get good results. Over time it is you who decide whether you are willing spend more time or not.
Why to become a collaborator?
Because being our partner and helping us to find highly qualified professionals you can take advantage of your knowledge, experience and network of contacts. We offer the possibility to put in value your network of contacts
What commitments do I have if I become a collaborator?
No, you do not have any commitments when becoming a collaborator. You can participate whenever you like and you can also stop whenever you wish. What we ask from our collaborators network is for them to introduce to us professionals interested in new career opportunities who you know well and are a good match for the positions and projects that we have for our clients
What are the benefits if I become a collaborator?
If any of the professionals you have introduced to us or refered to us to the open vacancies – advertised roles has been finally recruited by Dragon Shepherd´s client, you will be paid a fee based on the category of the candidate (Junior, Senior, Principal, C Level) and based on the gross basic salary offered to the candidate
What happens if the professionals I have introduced or referred to Dragon Shepherd are not interested?
The candidates expectations/preferences may change over time and may be that for some reason (they have found another job, etc) are no longer interested so in that case nothing would happen. However if from Dragon Shepherd we detect that one of our collaborators has associated a candidate for any of the offers or vacancies published without the consent of the candidates, automatically the collaborator  will be expelled and can not become a  re-partner or enter any information or other candidates into the system
If I am a collaborator and I see a role or project that may be interesting for me... could I apply for this job?
Of course. As you do with the professionals you introduce to us, you can introduce your contact details into  the system and associate them tp the offer or vacancy that interests you. In this case as you are the same professional who applies for the role, if you are finally recruited, you won´t be paid any fee for the placement
Can I combine it with my current job?
Of course, that is not a problem. It is compatible with any other job or activity you are currently doing, you don´t have to quit your role or stop doing what you like! We only give you the possibility and opportunity to take advantage of your contacts.